Online Advertisement Tariff:

S. No.Add Type & PositionPageDurationAmount
1.List Advertisement (100 Words) Home/Page1 Month₹300/-
2.Image Listing (200px x 100px)Home/Page1 Month₹500/-
3.Display Advertisement (Image and Text with Link)Home1 Month₹1500/-
4.Display Advertisement (Image and Text with Link)Home3 Month₹3000/-
5.Display Advertisement (Image and Text without Link)Home1 Month₹1000/-
6.Display Advertisement (Image and Text without Link)Home3 Month₹2000/-
7.Slider Advertisement with LinkHome15 Days₹1500/-
8.Slider Advertisement with LinkHome1 Month₹3000/-
9.Slider Advertisement with LinkHome2 Month₹4000/-
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